Sunday, August 17, 2008

Movie Quotes from Passenger 57: Quotes from the movie Passenger 57

Movie Quotes from Passenger 57: Quotes from the movie Passenger 57

-I havent had a challedge like that since I was in high school. -Chief, I didnt know you went to high school. -Im the good guy. Im the head of security. -In my position what would you do? If you were me, what would you do? -Kill myself. -Mr. Delvecchio, I got Mr. Ramsey on the line. -Oh. Well, I guess we cant tell him I stepped out, now can we? ALWAYS BET ON BLACK Charles Rane is not insaneCharles Rane is not insaneCharles Rane is not insane Give it a rest! I feel this is go

Movie Quotes from Papillon: Quotes from the movie Papillon

A temptation resisted is a true judge of character. A temptation resisted is a true measure of character. Blame is for God and small children. HEy you bastards im still here!!! I seem to be known in all the wrong places. I think you ought to go with us, Louis. You ought to. I was born skinny. Make the best of what we offer you, and you will suffer less than you deserve. Me, they can kill. You, they own. Now, Louis. When you have a chance. We re realy something, arent we? The only an


Friday, August 15, 2008

Movie Quotes from Passion of the Christ, The: Quotes from the movie Passion of the Christ, The

Movie Quotes from Passion of the Christ, The: Quotes from the movie Passion of the Christ, The

jesus.. mother behold thy son son behold thy mother Are you the Messiah, the Son of God? I am. 1. Remember me when you enter your kingdom. 2. This day you will be with me in paradise. Amen, I tell you that on this day you will be with me in paradise. Elohi, Elohi, Lamabachthani? Forgive them, father. They know not what they do. I am the good shepherd, I lay down my life before my sheep. No one takes my life away from me, but I lay it down of my own accord I have the power tp lay

Movie Quotes from Passion Fish: Quotes from the movie Passion Fish

(in creole accent) Passion Fish What was it called? The Young and the Stupid. I didnt ask for the anal probe. Men like that - to show women their machines. No eat, no TV. What happened to my legs? Page Topic: Movie Quotes from Passion Fish: Quotes from the movie Passion Fish

Movie Quotes from Passion: Quotes from the movie Passion

Charity: Why are you doing this Zombie Charity: because im evil Gwen Hotchkiss: What do I have to do to get you to admit whats going on here, Ethan? Walk in on you and Theresa in bed making love? Whats she going to tell me then, huh? That she was just fluffing your pillows and just happened to slip underneath you? Julian: This is all Theresa fault Rebecca:Why? What did she do, hide your viagra. Kay: Shooting stars and moon beams show me a sign and dont delay. Kay: {Casting a spell o


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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Bad Karma

Bad Karma

I swear I have not done any wrong doing to anybody in the past few months. Sure, I havent been the most oustanding citizen as of late. I slack off at work more often, I do treat some customers like I just dont care, I can give a rats ass about our political race as I find both candidates to be idiots. I am not too interested in getting straight As at college (just wanna pass). But for some odd reason karma is just not my friend as of late. Imagine the situation I am in heading into this mo

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fallout 3

Fallout 3

Vault 101 Jewel of the Wastes. For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environs, now known as the Capital Wasteland. click here to learn more ShareThis Related posts No related posts.

is that what I think it is - post 161

is that what I think it is - post 161 Posted by joerandel in daisy pusher, video games Ever look at a picture and think you see something in it that triggers something in your mind and makes you think of something else Like ummm I was checking out game screens for a new Aliens game and I saw this screen shot. Now is it just me or does the face hugger look like it has um lady bits I think if I was one of these space marines I would be like. AARRRGGGG!!!! DIE MUTHER FUC- hey tha