Friday, August 15, 2008

Movie Quotes from Passion of the Christ, The: Quotes from the movie Passion of the Christ, The

Movie Quotes from Passion of the Christ, The: Quotes from the movie Passion of the Christ, The

jesus.. mother behold thy son son behold thy mother Are you the Messiah, the Son of God? I am. 1. Remember me when you enter your kingdom. 2. This day you will be with me in paradise. Amen, I tell you that on this day you will be with me in paradise. Elohi, Elohi, Lamabachthani? Forgive them, father. They know not what they do. I am the good shepherd, I lay down my life before my sheep. No one takes my life away from me, but I lay it down of my own accord I have the power tp lay

Movie Quotes from Passion Fish: Quotes from the movie Passion Fish

(in creole accent) Passion Fish What was it called? The Young and the Stupid. I didnt ask for the anal probe. Men like that - to show women their machines. No eat, no TV. What happened to my legs? Page Topic: Movie Quotes from Passion Fish: Quotes from the movie Passion Fish

Movie Quotes from Passion: Quotes from the movie Passion

Charity: Why are you doing this Zombie Charity: because im evil Gwen Hotchkiss: What do I have to do to get you to admit whats going on here, Ethan? Walk in on you and Theresa in bed making love? Whats she going to tell me then, huh? That she was just fluffing your pillows and just happened to slip underneath you? Julian: This is all Theresa fault Rebecca:Why? What did she do, hide your viagra. Kay: Shooting stars and moon beams show me a sign and dont delay. Kay: {Casting a spell o


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